December 15th

305 West 700 South,
Salt Lake City, UT 84101
Photographing children can be a challenge. They are fast. They are unpredictable. And they don’t always choose to be adorable in the most beautiful natural light situations. By utilizing off-camera and on-camera flash in photographing children, we are able to create our own, ideal light that speaks to the beauty of what it is to be a kid...carefree, happy, and playful...without the stress of being dependent upon the sun.
Join Kellie as she demonstrates how she utilizes flash both on-camera and off-camera to create perfectly lit moments in both her personal and client work. Through an image-driven lecture, a detailed shooting demonstration, and hands-on learning, every type of learner will walk away from this class energized to apply Kellie’s techniques to their own work.

Kellie Bieser is a wife, mother, photographer, educator, and the woman behind Columbus, Ohio-based studio Shutter & Glass Photography. Since receiving her beloved Polaroid One Step thirty years ago (which continues to hold a place of honor in her office), she has been enamored with the process of identifying moments worth capturing, eventually resulting in the creation of her business, Shutter & Glass Photography. Whether it be a puffing volcano in Guatemala or her toddler spilling a box of cereal on the kitchen floor, her gift is in finding unique and beautiful ways to tell the stories of her subjects.
As a mentor and instructor with the Click & Company community, a speaker at conferences throughout the United States, and a leader of intimate photography retreats, Kellie has earned praise as an instructor who communicates technical concepts in an approachable way while simultaneously connecting to the emotion and artistry of what it is to be a modern photographer.