EXPOSURE with Ski Utah & POW was an inspiring way to end the Winter season in the Wasatch. Photographers, skiers/snowboarders, and Winter lovers all gathered here at Pictureline to enjoy delicious catered food and drink and meet other like-minded creatives. Meeting the photographers and talking about the locations and gear they used for their shot was a huge highlight! Each printed and framed image was sold during the silent auction and all proceeds were donated to Protect Out Winters in an effort to assist them in their ongoing cause toward climate justice. It was a memorable evening that brought together our photography and winter enthusiast community!
Ski Utah is hosting an art exhibit featuring printed winter images from talented photographers across the state of Utah. The evening offers a chance to minlge with photographers and Utah winter enthusiasts, all in support of winter photography and the preservation of our beautiful winters.
We invite you to donate one or more Utah winter images to our fundraising event for Protect Our Winters. Selected images will be printed and auctioned for the event held at Pictureline. The Ski Utah team will be selecting the best 15 photographs from all of your submissions to be printed and put into our silent auction at the art opening night on April 24, 2024. If your photo is selected, you will be receiving an email from Ski Utah with instructions for printing your photo. Link to donate images is at the external link provided.
Important photo submission info: Please submit a low-res, JPG photo file. If chosen to have your image printed for the show, we will be contacting you to send is a hi-res, DNG file to print your image. The final printed image will be on paper size 16.5x23.38 with visible space after matting being 15.32 x 19.14 (this is the final photo size, landscape or vertical).
Please submit your photos to this link:
This is your chance to mingle with other creatives, meet some legendary photographers in the ski industry and network (don't forget your business cards!) All photo submissions will be shown in a slide show at the event.
Usage of these photos is limited to one printed reproduction for the purpose of exhibit and digital display on a slideshow during the event only, with all proceeds from photo sales being donated to Protect Our Winters and will not be used for any other purposes. If a photographer's image is not sold at the show, the photographer will then own that printed image and can take it home at the end of the event.
This event is by invite only. Please email Martha at Ski Utah to receive your exclusive invite. Martha@skiutah.com. Drinks and light refreshments will be served.
Mark your calendar for this inaugural event and help us preserve our future winters.