
These savings are only available to: Full-time college students enrolled in a photography, film or video program. College level photo instructors. Accredited colleges or universities with a photographic, film or video department.


Profoto educational discount catalog


If you're studying for a career in photography, or teach those who are, you may qualify for a discount on most Manfrotto products.

MAC-On-Campus: Photo

Get discounts on the tools you need to become one of tomorrow's photography and filmmaking pros.

MAC-On-Campus: Cine

Get discounts on the tools you need to become one of tomorrow's filmmaking pros.


The E.P.P. offers you 30% off the list price on select Dynalite products. There has never been a better way to purchase your lighting equipment.


Lensbaby's Educational Purchase Program is designed for college students who are taking courses in visual arts, such as; photography, filmmaking, photojournalism, visual media, or design. Also eligible are Instructors and Accredited Academic Institutions teaching these courses at the high school or college level.


The HERO program for 2013 is designed to make it as easy as possible for you to acquire the finest camera and digital products in the world. This purchase incentive plan is heavily subsidized by Hasselblad Bron, Inc. and is available only to pre-approved students, accredited schools and photo educators.


If you're studying for a career in photography, or teach those who are, you may qualify for a discount on most Gitzo products.