DigitalFest Class: The Language of Light in Portraiture with J. Peter Fox

The Language of Light in Portraiture with J. Peter Fox
The Language of Light exceeds human limitations imposed by words. The Language of Light uses light quality, direction, color and intensity to communicate. Used properly, it can offer an expression that speaks directly to the soul.
Westcott representative Pete Fox will guide you on how to get the most from natural light and a simple method for introducing additional light to create sellable images in almost any environment. He will then expand on how varying the light, from that simple start, using the Language of Light can add impact to an image.
If you are just starting out or need to find a way to separate your work from everyone else, attending the Language of Light may help illuminate your way.

Pete is an award winning photographer and a Technical Representative/Product Specialist at Westcott. In addition to technical guidance, he educates clients on lighting and light modifier choices, and offers advice to photographers to aid them in solving lighting challenges. After graduating with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Bowling Green State University, he began his career in photography as a wedding photographer. Before joining Westcott, Pete managed a successful studio specializing in High School Senior Portraits and High Volume Sports. He was also a national photography trainer for Prestige Portraits, Chairman’s Photographic award winner and taught studio photography at Owens College.
When: Friday, Sept. 29th 5-6PM
Where: Upstairs Studio