Kodak Professional Kodak TMAX 400 120 Film is a continuous tone, panchromatic black-and-white film for general pictorial use and it is especially useful for dimly lighted subjects, fast shutter speeds, for extended flash range, and good depth of field. It features fast speed (EI 400), extremely fine grain, and high resolving power.
It is a good film to push processes with shorter push-processing development time -- no increase for 1-stop push, shorter 2-stop push-times than other films require.
For development information see attached pdf file.
- - In order to reduce the amount of excess packaging per roll, most of our film is ordered in ProPacks, which come in boxes of 5 or 20 rolls. As a result, if you purchase small quantities of film, you may receive your film in the plastic canister without any external box. pictureline does not sell outdated film. You can be assured that you are receiving current, unopened rolls of film each time your order. If you would like the expiration date for your film, please so indicate in the notes section when you finalize your order.