Sekonic's LITEMASTER PRO L-478-Series meters are the world's first touch-screen-operated light meters. They have an array of unique, must-have features for both still and motion story tellers. Their compact size is both instantly familiar and comfortable to use. A large LCD (2.7") displays ambient, flash, cine and a host of other information in a clear and understandable way. Settings are made by simply touching or sliding a finger over the screen.
The L-478 meters can be quickly calibrated to your camera using Sekonic's Data Transfer software and either Sekonic or X-Rite Brand targets or by manually inputting data to the DTS program or on the meter itself.
Visit Sekonic's Data Transfer Software page for downloads, information, and compatibility questions.
Keeping pace with wireless advancements, the L-478DR comes complete with exclusive PocketWizard ControlTL technology which combines light measurement and flash power control providing amazing control in your hand.
The L-478DR-U has a radio module and antenna built into the meter. These cannot be changed after purchase. For example, the radio frequency is either FCC & IC (344MHz) or CE (433MHz).
The L-478 series offer the following languages in the interface: Japanese, English and Chinese. Depending on the country where the meter is purchased, the language is fixed and cannot be changed by the user.
Please be sure to check the radio frequency and language before purchase.