Kodak Gold 200 135-36 Color Neg. Film (One Roll)

KodakSKU: DI-6033997 | UPC: 086806033992

Sale price$10.99

  • Daylight-Balanced Color Negative Film
  • Wide Exposure Latitude
  • Fine Grain and High Sharpness
  • ISO 200/24° in C-41 Process
  • Gold 200 135-36 Color Neg. Film (One Roll)

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KODAK GOLD 200 Film is a low-speed color negative film that offers an outstanding combination of color saturation, fine grain, and high sharpness. It is designed for general picture-taking situations in daylight or with electronic flash. You can also expose this film under photolamps (3400 K) or tungsten illumination (3200 K) with filters. It also features wide exposure latitude—from two stops underexposure to three stops overexposure.

EXPOSURE - Film Speed

Use these speed numbers in the table below with cameras or meters marked for ISO, ASA, or DIN speeds or exposure indexes. Do not change the film-speed setting when you use a filter if your camera has through-the-lens metering. Metering through filters may affect light meter accuracy; see your meter or camera manual for specific information. For critical work, make a series of test exposures.

Light Source KODAK WRATTEN Gelatin Filter  ISO Speed
Daylight or Electronic Flash None 200
Photolamp (3400 K) No. 80B 64
Tungsten (3200 K) No. 80A


Load and unload your camera in subdued light. Store unexposed film at 21°C (70°F) or lower in the original sealed package. Always store film (exposed or unexposed) in a cool, dry place. Process film as soon as possible after exposure. Protect negatives from strong light, and store them in a cool, dry place.

Film Format 35mm
Number of Exposures 36
Film Type Color Negative
Film Speed ISO 200
Color Balance Daylight
Film Processing C-41