CineStill 800Tungsten 135-36 Color Neg. Film (One Roll)

CineStillSKU: CINE800T36exp

Sale price$16.99

  • Designed for difficult low light tungsten situations
  • When in daylight, an 85 filter is recommended and/or shooting the film at 500 ISO
  • Acceptable for push processing up to 3200 ISO
  • Remjet backing free, results in a unique halation effect
  • 800Tunsten 135-36 Color Neg. Film (One Roll)

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36 exp. 135 rolls. Great rated ISO 200-2000! Can be pushed to 3000! CineStill 800Tungsten is a unique film for still photographers. This 800 speed tungsten balanced color negative film is prepared from the same motion picture film stock used by top cinematographers around the world. This film is designed for difficult low light tungsten situations and may be used in many different lighting situations to achieve a variety of looks.

Our new and improved manufacturing process now extends the shelf life, with less noticeable artifacts after expiration! The same advanced motion picture emulsion, safe to process in standard C-41 photo lab machines or at home! This emulsion is optimized for a hybrid workflow, ideal for scanning, and produces a complimentary contrast curve for optical printing on RA-4 paper when processed in C-41 chemistry. Treat this film as a high speed 800 ISO film for C-41 processing and push process whenever needed up to 3200 ISO.

Recommended ISO and acceptable exposure for push processing:

  • ISO 800 - No push - EI 200-1600
  • ISO 1250 - 1 stop push - EI 800-2000
  • ISO 1600 - 2 stop push - EI 1250-3200
  • ISO 3200 - 3 stop push - EI 1600-3200 (added contrast)

Expiration: The new boxed CineStill film has an extended shelf life, and should be stored in the fridge and shot within 6 months of purchase to achieve optimal results. Exposed film should be processed promptly in C-41 chemicals to preserve latent image latitude and color fidelity. If you have earlier productions of 800T (no retail box) or your film does not have an expiration date, it is likely age fogged.

Note: This emulsion was originally required processing in ECN-2 motion picture processing and may still be processed using ALL of those steps, resulting in a 500 ISO pulled negative with lower gamma not suitable for darkroom printing. Although there is no remjet adhesive layer to contaminate and exhaust the chemicals, skipping the additional accelerant pre-bath will under-develop the film when just using the ECN-2 developer. Tests show favorable results in standard C-41 processing compared to ECN-2 motion picture lab processing performed by professional labs. C-41 processing produces greater density and gamma which is more favorable for still photography workflows. Long term archival stability has not been tested past 5 years. Expectations for archival longevity should be somewhere between Kodachrome and most C-41 films.

Film Format 35mm
Number of Exposures 36
Film Type Color Negative
Film Speed ISO 800
Color Balance Tungsten
Film Processing C-41