The Whistler BP 350 AW II carries equal parts camera, video and functional outdoor gear. Features a roomy front pocket that expands to fit alpine essentials like shovel, probe or extra clothes. A waterproof barrier with drain hole separates wet gear from main compartment while 420 Nylon Ripstop with TPU/PU dual laminate provides robust abrasion and tear resistance plus waterproofing. ActivZone™ back panel and dual density foam harness provide increased comfort. Nifco® side-release buckles and Duraflex® hooks offer robust attachment options in any condition.
Personal gear
DJI Mavic 2 Pro or Zoom
DJI Osmo+
DSLR or Pro Mirrorless body with 70-200mm f/2.8 lens attached
4-season ultra-resistant backpack for outdoor photography equipment and essential wilderness gear.
- Top and body-side access fits Standard DSLR & Pro mirrorless
- Wider interior space with expandable compartment fits 3 lenses
- CradleFit™ compartment safeguards up to 13-inch laptop
- Supports attachment of heavy equipment like skis, axes & tripod
- All Weather AW Cover™ protects gear from rain, snow, dust & sand
Laptop/Tablet | Fits 13" Laptop |
Maximum Volume | 8.7 Gallon / 33L |
Interior Dimensions (Top Compartment) | 9.4" x 4.7" x 2.4" |
Interior Dimensions (Camera Compartment) | 15.4" x 10.2" x 5.9" |
Exterior Dimensions | 20.87" x 11.42" x 9.45" |
Weight | 5.95 lbs. |