
May 18th & 19th

10:00am - 2:00pm

305 W 700 S
Salt Lake City, UT 84101
The Tao Of Dynamic Workflow - With Nikon Ambassador Vincent Versace Workshop and Seminar
Complicated equipment and light reflectors and various other items of hardware are enough, to my mind, to prevent the birdie from ever coming out. — Henri Cartier-Bresson
Friday Evening Seminar - May 18th
7:00pm - 9:00pm
Saturday Workshop - May 19th
10:00am - 2:00pm
Every artist has an instrument. Painters have their brushes and canvas, sculptors their chisels and stone, dancers their bodies. All of these instruments are used to express the artist’s individual voice and vision. For the photographer the instrument is a camera, the brush is the lens, and the canvas is the ultimate expression of artistic voice and vision being the final image.
In this workshop, internationally recognized pioneer in the art and science of digital photography and Smithsonian Laureate, Epson Stylus Pro, Nikon Ambassador and best selling author Vincent Versace will teach how he approaches all aspects of a shoot, from capture to post processing to print. This workshop will focus on helping you learn the techniques of creating the images that best express your photographic voice and vision.
Saturday will be a continuation of Friday evening's seminar, and a more in-depth approach to the subjects mentioned below, as well as requests and questions brought forth by the class:
- Environmental lighting: How to use the physical environment and the things in the environment to bend the light to your needs.
- Planning for the print from point of capture.
- Fine Art Photoshop workflow
- Advanced Black and White conversion
- The merits of a RIP vs. the printer driver vs. Epson Print Layout
Aspirin and fire extinguishers not provided. You do not want to miss this!
Come join us and be prepared with questions, a notepad, and an open mind. You will be educated and inspired to fine-tune your photographic approach and workflow: from taking the picture to the final output, and everything in between.
And a big bonus for only for those who sign up for BOTH events… All attendees get a signed Vincent Versace print.
Can't make it on Saturday? Make sure to join Vincent at the store on Friday night for a 2 hour seminar for only $29.95! For details, click HERE.