A relentless yet versatile workhorse.
The D4 Air is a versatile workhorse, crafted to produce large quantities of high-quality images at an extremely high rate with no variations in power output and color temperature. It does not offer the extremely short flash durations the Pro generators do, but compensates for this by featuring four independent outputs, controlled by four individual knobs. In other words, working with one D4 is like working with four separate flash packs.
Product Features:
- Capable of producing very large quantities of images at an extremely high rate.
- Very stable light output and color temperature guarantees absolutely consistent results, shot after shot after shot.
- Four independent outputs, controlled by four individual knobs, allow for both small and large setups with a single generator.
- Wide 8 f-stop power range with precise control in 0.1 f-stop steps.
- Unique features such as sequence, delay and interval settings make tricky lighting setups simple.
- Wireless sync and control with the Air system.
General Specifications
- Energy:2400Ws
- Energy Range:8 f-stops (18-2400Ws)
- Energy Distribution:Socket A 18-2400Ws Socket B 18-2400Ws Socket D 18-600Ws Socket C 18-1200Ws
- Asymmetry Range:max. 7.8 f-stops
- Recycling Times 120V/60Hz:0.09-2.2s
- Recycling Times 230V/50Hz:0.09-2.2s
- Modeling Lamps Total W/Pack (max.):2000W
- Modeling Lamp Total W/Head (max.):500W
- Energy Control Increments:1/10 and full f-stops
- Energy/Voltage Stability:+/- 1/100 f-stop
- Color temperature (total power range):Better than +/- 150ºK
- Guide Number @ 2 meters/ISO 100 with Magnum Reflector:128
- Input Power Supply:100-127V/200-240V, 50/60Hz (nominal)
Synchronization and Control
- Sync Socket(s):2
- Lamp Head socket(s):4
- Wire Sync Voltage:Compliant to ISO 10330 standard
- Photocell/IR-slave and Switch:Yes
- USB Interface:Yes, remote control and firmware updates
- Radio Sync:Yes, Air Sync & Air Remote
- Radio Remote:Yes, Air Remote
- Radio Range:300m
- Computer Control:With Profoto Studio Software (Mac a. PC) via Air USB transceiver
- Aux Functions:Sequence, Interval, Delay
- Digital Display:Yes, f-stops, Ws, Aux functions and radio channels
- Fan Cooled:Yes, temperature regulated
- Ready Signals:Yes, ready lamp, beep or buzz sound and/or dimmed model light
- Auto Dumping:Yes
- Recharge Speed Control:Normal/Fast
- Fuse Requirement at max. power and speed setting:Slow blow type D, 10A/230V, 20A/120V Automatic fuse type D, 10A/230V 20A/120V
- Dimensions:36x28x20cm 14.4x11.2x8inch
- Weight:11.5kg 25lbs