Last year, pictureline feature the Red Fred project on our blog as the company was beginning its initial fundraiser. Dallas Graham, a local Utah photographer/designer and close friend of pictureline is the creator of this amazing project and he, along with several Red Fred volunteers, use photography, graphic design and story telling techniques to write and publish books with critically ill children. These children have faced significant challenges in their short lifetimes and the books they create are vehicles for their stories which are filled with humor, compassion and wisdom. They become a lasting voice, a tangible achievement for each child. Part of the proceeds from each book sold go straight to the family to aid in the financial difficulties due to the illness, or to a related cause chosen by the child.
You see? The magic multiplies and their hope is to have the legacy live on forever. You will be inspired by the talent and imagination of these children.

What has Happened in 365 Days:
• the number of miles we’ve flown to meet with our Creatives (the kids we work with).
• the total number of words written from these little authors' stories

• the number of miles we’ve driven between airports, neighborhoods and child-chosen locations to make these kids’ books a reality.
• the number of images we have photographed for illustrating the books.
• the number of books sold to raise money for medical bills, medication, research, awareness, and a friendship bench for kids who need a buddy.
• the number of pages created with original artwork.

• the number of locations we've photographed, including rivers, seashores, farms, shopping districts, garages, basketball courts, museums and more.
• the number of different cities we’ve visited in order to create these stories.
• the number of original life lessons learned, as published in the back of our five currently published books.
• the number of brave children authors who’ve written, art directed, and published original works from as many states. These kids suffer from and have educated us about Duschenne Muscular Dystrophy, Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Lymphatic Melanoma, Neurogleal Brain Tumors, Mitochondrial Disease, Chronic Asthma, Neruo Blastoma and Leukemia.
The same 8 children have taught us about bravery, courage, sincerity, hope, dragons, adventures, dreams, storms and why any of us should never give up.

• the number of published books, book signings, and books that are permanently housed in the Library of Congress.
• the number of book signings taking place in the next two months!
• the number it takes to continue helping us create these stories, starting with YOU!
The Impact
Red Fred Project a sustainable nonprofit organization.
This is the last time we intend to do a crowding funding event. Your contribution, will help ensure the long-term feasibility of The Red Fred Project.
We have completed a 1, 3 and 5 year pro forma that outlines what we need to make certain The Red Fred Project is self-sustaining and lives on indefinitely.
Our goal is to impact the life of these children, and their families, in two ways:
- Help defray some of the economic challenges these families face and
- Make the child feel like a rockstar as a published author
- A percentage of proceeds of each book sold goes directly to the child and their family. We have kept our overhead costs very low. Each donation made will help reduce costs of production and directly impact the amount the family receives.
- We intend to shift from print on demand (POD) to a traditional printer. This will reduce cost to print the books by up to 75% alone. We will have to print larger quantities to obtain this price point.
- Marketing and Awareness - Our goal is to have each child reach the New York Times Best Sellers list. Information we have now is that this will require them to sell 5,000+ copies of the book in any given week.
Other Ways You Can Help
- Please share this campaign with as many people as you know!
- Join/become a fan of our Facebook page.
- Sign up as a RFP volunteer by using this form.
- If you know a child who meets our criteria and would love to be a part of our project click here.
- Attend one our book signing parties!
- Buy one of the books already written by a Creative from our online store.