For this week's pictureline Friday Featured Photographer, we are excited to highlight JALENE TAYLOR! Jalene is one of many talented individuals in our photographic community, but we absolutely love Jalene's style of images because they are so modern and elegant. If you are ever lucky enough to hire Jalene as your photographer you are guaranteed to get beautiful images that you'll want to hang on your wall forever.
What is your go-to gear setup for the majority of your shoots?
"I like to keep my gear simple and light-weight. I only shoot with three primes lenses--Sigma 35mm, Nikon 50mm, and a Nikon 85mm. My camera body is a D810. For wedding receptions, I'll bust out some off camera flashes, as well."
What keeps your creativity flowing in your daily life?
"I am very conscious of watching how people interact together either in real life or in movies. I pay attention to how they relax into each other or connect. I also am always looking for pretty light or things found at my locations that can naturally frame my subject."
What would be your biggest piece of advice to young photographers just get started in their business?
"My biggest piece of advice to young photographers is to get organized and legal. When it comes to the financial part of owning a small business, most people don't have a clue what they are supposed to be doing. If you start out doing things legally and correctly, you will be much better off (and won't want to die at tax time) than most other small businesses. I've been able to teach hundreds of photographers over the years a business financial and legal course that has been really beneficial. It is really one of the most crucial parts in surviving those first few years in business. "

Photography gear can be expensive -- what is your strategy when buying new gear? Do you go used, or save up and buy the best of the best?
"Photography gear is expensive! Based on my set up, you can tell I'm pretty conservative when it comes to gear. I will save up and usually buy new. But I make sure to take really good care of my gear (getting it cleaned and calibrated often) and use it for many many years before I feel the need to replace it. Another thing I always recommend photographers need is liability insurance for their gear. It's fairly inexpensive and can save you thousands of dollars when something happens to your gear."
What is one of your favorite memories as a photographer?
"I can't really think of a specific memory to share, but it's really been an honor to be a part of so many people's most special days of their lives. Seeing how sweet relationships are with parents, friends, or siblings is really heartwarming. Because I have a son of my own, the mother-son dance at a wedding usually makes me cry. I love seeing how much parents love their children when they get married or on a young family session. Witnessing babies being born has been some of the most sacred experiences of my life. Another wonderful part about being a photographer is being a part of the incredible community of photographers in Utah that are genuine, kind, self-less, giving, and so many other things. They ban together, even though we are direct competition, and provide love and support to those struggling or facing hard times personally. For a career with no "co-workers," there is a wonderful community ready to step in and uplift at the snap of a finger."
Thanks so much Jalene in being a part of our blog! We are grateful to be able to learn every week from the pros.
To learn more about Jalene head to her sites!