This week’s artist spotlight features Daniel Lindhardt, a dedicated wildlife photographer whose passion grew from his early love of nature and took off in 2016 when he picked up his first DSLR. We love having Daniel as both a customer and a friend, and it’s always a pleasure seeing him in the store, sharing his passion for photography with us. Join us as we dive deeper into Daniel's experiences and insights in the following Q&A session.
1. What first drew you to wildlife photography, and how did you get started on this path?
My interest in wildlife began as a kid. That grew into hunting, and then as a way to extend the season, I started taking photos with a little point and shoot. That transitioned into a super zoom Nikon P90, as a way to get "better" photos. Wildlife photography became an addiction when I got my first DSLR in 2016, and with it, a lens long enough to try and capture the critter's images.

2. Capturing elusive animals like bears and small mammals requires both patience and skill. What are some of the biggest challenges you've faced in the field, and how do you overcome them?
It does often take patience to get the desired images. The biggest reason being that you can't control what the animals are going to do and where they will be. The best thing you can do is learn animal behavior and habits. That way you have a better idea of where to go and what to look for, and what position you need to get in, not only to capture the image you want, but also to stay safe around potentially dangerous animals.
3. What's normally in your gear bag?
I started out with Nikon gear but switched to Sony in 2020 to go mirrorless. My go to for wildlife is my Sony A1 and 200-600mm or 70-200mm, all carried in an F-Stop Tilopa bag.
4. What’s one unforgettable moment from your wildlife photography experiences?
I've had a lot of incredible experiences, but the time I got to sit down with a female bobcat and her two kittens for an hour as they ate on a racoon carcass is one of my top moments. The feeling of them allowing me to be around and comfortable enough with my presence, that mom was able to lay down and sleep, was indescribable.
5. How often do you try to get out and shoot and how do you typically plan those outings?
I'm a father of 4 kids who keep us very busy, so I don't get out as much as I would like, but I make time to get out in my favorite seasons: spring for bears, and fall for elk, moose and deer. Lucky for me, I also have a daughter and a son who are interested in photography and often get out with me on my adventures. It's been a lot of fun to be able to share some of these experiences with them and see their excitement.
We want to thank Daniel for taking the time to share his incredible journey and insights with us. It's been a pleasure learning more about his passion for wildlife photography. To see more of Daniel’s amazing work, be sure to follow him on Instagram or visit his website for the latest updates on his adventures.