Canon Macro 101 Event Recap


Our latest lunch and learn was a gorgeous success! Macro photography experts from Canon flew into Salt Lake to guide our workshop attendees through this beautiful art form in our elegantly arranged studio. Macro photography reproduces images of miniscule objects in a way that they look larger than life-size. The entire afternoon was spent introducing our guests to the appropriate equipment required to get up close and personal with whatever subject they may cross in discovery of macro photography. Our workshop guests were able to practice their new skill on their own equipment, or on a variety of lenses and cameras supplied by Canon for our event -- recording details from hundreds of arranged flowers.


No ridge or crease is forgotten when macro photography is executed properly. The immense diversity between portrait and macro photography often halts even experienced photographers from treading its waters. Specialists, Shawn Weishaar and Peter Lee walked us through the surprisingly simple macro process step-by-step, highlighting camera-specific settings and techniques so every member in our audience could recreate this close-up beauty with their own setup. Hands-on experience with macro lenses and extension tubes allowed attendees to walk away knowledgeable and confident. Our guests also got a good look at macro-specific lighting that dramatically adjusts shadows and exposure on even the smallest of subjects. On top of lighting, lenses, and extension tubes, Peter Lee emphasized the importance of tripods in macro photography to obtain crisp images.

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Images from pictureline's Canon Macro Lunch and Learn

June 2015

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