Local Utah outdoor photographer and pictureline friend Adam Barker has a full feature profile in this month's edition of Outdoor Photographer Magazine, and we think that's pretty neat!
In the article, Barker gives some solid advice to young photographers:
[quote align="center" color="#999999"]"I always tell them three things. Work on your portfolio so you have an established body of work. Then I tell them to take a business class because the hardest part about running a photography business is running a business. And, thirdly, I tell them to learn how to write because everything from a first-impression email to captions for your images to website content matters, and writing skills provide a vehicle through which your images can be published."[/quote]
Be sure to check out the full article on the Outdoor Photographer site! He offers more advice, stories, and his gear list. You can also check out Adam's portfolio here.
It's always exciting for us here at pictureline to watch the local photographers (and our customers!) grow and thrive. Long live the art and community of photography!